[Accessibility-testing] Survey First Draft, A Night Beneath the Opera

Zachary Kline zkline at speedpost.net
Thu Sep 6 13:37:38 EDT 2018

Hi ALl,

Please find a first draft of possible survey questions below. I hope this is at least a start in the right direction. I tried to take inspiration from the few user tests I’ve participated in over the years.


1. Please describe your testing environment. What operating system /web browser combination are you using? What interpreter are you testing? What assistive technology (screen reader, screen magnification, dictation software, etc.) are you using?

2. We will provide two  text files containing information on “A Night Beneath the Opera.” One is a short guide, listing the accessibility issues the game is trying to demonstrate. The other is a more complete walkthrough. If you get stuck, you can consult it for directions on how to finish the game.

3. As you play, please describe your process. That is, how do you read the room descriptions and other text the game provides? DO you find this particularly difficult or impossible, using this particular combination of assistive technologies and interpreters? 

4. Were you able to complete the game to your satisfaction? How would you rate the experience, on a scale of 1 to 5? Did any of the accessibility challenges pose insurmountable obstacles for you?

5. How do you feel about the accessibility experience as a whole? What is one thing the programmer behind this particular interpreter could do to make things easier for you?

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