[Testing2019] Moving the deadline to Feb. 11

Jason McIntosh jmac at jmac.org
Tue Jan 29 09:15:28 EST 2019

Good morning, IF accessibility testers,

We’re going to add a week to the deadline for getting the two games’ surveys filled out, so that the new last day for it is now Monday, February 11. Responding to a halfway-point recruitment call that we made, a lot of testers have joined this project just in the past few days. It seems only fair to give the newcomers a little more time to finish all the material.

(Here is me offering a hello to those joining us by way of audiogames.net, in particular. Hello!)

The tests’ instructions might still reference the old February 4 date here and there, but rest assured that we’re keeping things open for a week beyond that.

Currently we’ve got 25 surveys filled out for “Twine of Access” and 17 for “A Night Below the Opera”. Big thanks to all who have submitted surveys so far! We will have a wrap-up summary for you all (and distribute the gift cards) after the testing period does close.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or comments regarding this project.

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