[Accessibility-testing] November 5 meeting debrief & next actions

Jason McIntosh jmac at jmac.org
Sat Nov 10 16:52:55 EST 2018

Hi folks! Here is my promised followup from my Tuesday email. (I’m a little pokey because my freelance-work pipe is jam-packed at the moment. File under “good problems to have”, and all that, but the timing is never optimal…)

We’ve got a bunch of stuff to do as a team over the next couple of weeks in order to meet the expected Player Panel opening in a timely fashion. So, I’d like to set some short-term deadlines and delegate some tasks. If you’ll allow me to reply inline to myself...

On Nov 6, 2018, at 3:03 PM, Jason McIntosh <jmac at jmac.org> wrote:
> Mark expects an ETA of about two weeks there. So… we have a a certain number of hatches to batten. I am confident we can do it, given some coordination! From where I’m standing, here’'s our checklist of stuff we need:
> • Complete feedback from the a11y experts (Zack, Austin, Deborah) on Twine of Access, and any resulting last edits to that.

We’re already partway into the weekend, so let’s keep the door open on this through Wednesday, November 14. If y’all could please enter in any comments by then, either to me or to the list, that would be fabulous. I will understand non-response as tacit approval for the current draft. (So far I’ve collected only Zack’s feedback from trying it with minimal AT, per the Monday-meeting debrief.)

Again, I’ve updated the link to the game on http://jmac.org/misc/a11y-resources.html; that should take you to the latest version.

> • A list of survey questions specific to Twine of Access. (I need to remind myself about the survey status for Night Below the Opera, so we can use it as a model here.)

Claire, could you draft a few short questions here, maybe by the end of next week? You can use the questions that Zarf made for his game as a model; see Zarf’s list post from Sept 19. (Archived here: https://iftechfoundation.org/pipermail/accessibility-testing/2018-September/000142.html) Your game is mechanically simpler than his so it’s 100% OK if it ends up with fewer questions; it just needs to put into survey format the accessibility challenges you had in mind when you made the game.

> • Tester packets, ready to download and play, including step-by-step instructions. (Mark was specific about this: assume high eagerness, and zero knowledge.)

I’ll put myself on this, and will aim to have something for y’all’s approval by next weekend.

> • The electronic surveys all set up and ready to collect responses. (Probably using google tools, per previous conversation.)

I’ll put myself on this as well, and I can started using the survey questions y’all’ve already generated.

> Am I forgetting anything?

I’m still open for answers to this question. :)

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